Jungle Ministry
Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
We bring freedom to Nigerian men trapped in substance abuse and delinquency by building relationships and discipling them into Christ-like servant-leaders. We are paving the way for city-wide cultural transformation.
Testimonies from the Jungle of Jos, Nigeria
In Jungle Ministry, our priority is on reaching out to the lost and hurting; offering them love, truth, and purpose in the person of Jesus Christ.
Welcome To Jos, Nigeria
We labor in thankfulness for all that God has done; believing that He has saved us so we can participate in His wondrous work of redeeming the world through His Son!
Meet our Founder
Jungle Ministry, Nigeria
“For the whole earth is mine. And you shall be to me a Kingdom of Priests, a holy nation.” ~ Exodus 19: 5b-6a
Equipping Men for Kingdom Living
Recovery Discipleship Ministry
In addition to hosting fellowships on the streets, we run a two-year, in-house, addiction recovery and discipleship program. Utilizing evangelism, small-groups, and one-on-one counseling, we help people find their way out of a sinful life.
Bible College
Our Bible college brings faith and knowledge together. Students are taught Christian theology and how to think biblically about all of life. Additionally, they learn critical thinking skills with emphasis given to reading, writing, and speech.
Jungle Music Production
Our studio production courses and music lessons are a key to the success of our evangelism and outreach in the streets. We use street concerts, music production, and lessons to evangelize, disciple, and develop a generation of Christian musicians.
Peace & Justice Initiative
Men are trained to be the spiritual and physical protectors of their homes and communities. In this way, they begin to provide safety and security in otherwise dangerous neighborhoods.
Meet our Nigerian Manager, Pastor Samson Nuhu
Samson Nuhu helps to coordinate and lead our local ministries. Please take a moment to hear his own voice on the importance and impact of Jungle Ministry.
Help Bring The Gospel To The Streets Of Nigeria.
As we walk the drug and crime-infested slums, we build Christ-centered relationships with people hopelessly trapped in spiritual and intergenerational economic poverty.
Through Bible-based, personal mentorship and interpersonal recovery fellowships, we disciple men into Christ’s Kingdom citizens and we help them become citizens who take Christ into every area of their lives.